Thursday 4 August 2011

Online Selling: Google Zero Moment of Truth ZMOT

Engineering marketing is difficult for me as I create and handmake what is my passion.  The scale of branding and production is different. But the speed of online information and business makes it critical to understand the principle of online engagement that is now driving spread and word of mouth.
In 2005, Proctor & Gamble defined the First Moment of Truth FMOT principle which made the cover of the Wall Street Journal, so remarkable was its influence.  Now, Google have commissioned research and produced a report called ZMOT:  Zero Moment of Truth.

Here is a partial report Google - ZMOT.  Foreword by Dina Howell, CEO Saatchi & Saatchi X.  Which I found an interesting read and hope you will too.

I found the statistical insight really fascinating.  Tell me what you think : )

"The barriers to access are diminishing greatly. Today’s shoppers carry access in their pockets. They create their own consumer guides a million times a minute with reviews, tweets, blogs, social network posts and videos for products of all kinds."

"This is the new digital shelf. Consumers arrive there, 24 hours a day, ready to engage. They’re anybody’s to win or lose."

You might like to read my Engaging through Product Photography as a ZMOT tip.

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  1. Yep - my fingers might drop off if it gets any speedier : ) I recently saw an e-zine, where you can instantly click and buy from the editorial/ page the item you like - how cool, but abit impulsive maybe?

  2. Very interesting! I'll have to take a look at this while I'm eating my lunch--it's 75 pages long!

  3. A few fancy graphic-design title pages with no text too : )

  4. Now that is an interesting read which I will devour in an hour! Thank you for pointing my attention to it!

  5. Devour in an Hour - I love a rhyme : )

  6. Haha, i am a natural! I didn't even notice it!
